Mintdom, Thoughts

September 11, 2001 – A Small Look Back

September 11, 2011 – Ten Years Later

Good morning Mintdom,

It is hard to believe that it has been 10 years since that horrific day. On that day ten years ago, I was working for the Supermarket Association in downtown, Washington, DC. My office was across the street from the White House and you could see the Pentagon from a couple of the offices. I rode the commuter bus to work from Sterling, Virginia. I could almost see Dulles Airport from the lot where I caught the bus. Looking back at that day, I was standing at the bus stop at the same time that the terrorists were getting on Flight 77 – the plane that hit the Pentagon.

It is funny how you remember little things on a big day. I remember that morning on the bus.  I remember talking with the bus driver and a few passengers that morning saying, “Another day – another dollar.” Whenever I hear that phrase, I think about that day.

Our office had TV in most of the offices.  My boss had a TV in hers; it was always on. I was at my desk when the first plane hit in New York. I heard someone say that a plane had hit the World Trade Center. I walked into my boss’s office just as the second plane crashed into the other tower. I heard voices say that it was a terrorist attack.  I guess I could not get my mind around that because I kept thinking that something was wrong with the FAA’s radar in New York. Who could have imagined?

My boss had just come in and I had just hung up the phone with one of my daughters when the plane hit the Pentagon.  I heard someone shout, “They just bombed the Pentagon.” I remember going to one of the offices, to see the Pentagon with big black smoke billowing out of it. One of our lawyers was standing there crying. When I was in school, I remember learning that the Pentagon was impenetrable.

After they hit the Pentagon things and the timing of things is a blur. I can tell you that as much as I would like to say that I was a hero that day, I was not. I could only think of one thing, and that was how I was going to get home.  A couple of people were going to take the metro home. I could not imagine going into a tunnel after what had just happened. It did not feel safe anywhere. One of our vice presidents lived out in my area and drove in to work. I did not know her, except to say hello, but I asked her if she could get me to Sterling. Of course, she said yes. She was my hero that day.

I do not know why, but I had two cell phones that day. Neither of them worked locally because the lines were jammed; however, I was able to call my parents who were in Minnesota at the time.  They in turned called my kids to let them know that I was all right and leaving the city. We were listening to the car radio at first, but it too much for us to listen to, and we decided to turn it off.  I do not remember if that was before or after the plane crashed in Pennsylvania.  I did not know that the Twin Towers fell until I got home. What would normally take 20 minutes – took us four hours to get out of the city. The Maryland, Virginia Beltway never looked so good to me, nor has it since that day. I spent the next two days glued to my TV.

I do not know how to describe how I felt on that day or how I feel remembering it. Normally I am good during a crisis and only after it is all over, do I let my emotions overcome me. That never happened after that day. I have cried some over the years when I see a movie or a news report of September 11, 2001, but never just let it go. Maybe it would have been too much for me or maybe I have never felt that it was over.

I hope we will always remember all the people that died or had family members and friends that died, and especially all of the heroes.  I will remember mine.

My sign off is especially meaningful to me today.

Make it a GREAT day, IF you choose to.

What are you waiting for?

Life is good!

AffirMINTion, Good Morning!, Health and Fitness, Mintdom


09/10/09 –  No Data

Food Journal – No

Good morning Mintdom!

At the beginning of the week, I said that this was a big workweek and that I was going to need to make a conscience effort to focus on my journey towards health.  Well, I am not doing a very good job at that. Yesterday, my pedoMINTer came off in the car and I did not notice it until the evening.  I could have bumped up my steps last night too – darn it! I did not even think about my food journal yesterday.  I am beginning to conclude that I cannot do it all – at least not all well.  Not only that, but I need to stay off the treadmill because unlike walking outside, I tend to overdue it on the treadmill and my knee is really crunching right now.  I am going to give it a break – back to the pool I go, which means my steps might be lower.  I need to find an underwater pedoMINTer!  Anyway, today is a new day.  Since my knee is bad, I am only comMINTting to 4,000 steps, which is 2 miles.  I will comMINT to my food journal though.

“Now, we have inscribed a new memory alongside those others. It’s a memory of tragedy and shock, of loss and mourning. But not only of loss and mourning. It’s also a memory of bravery and self-sacrifice, and the love that lays down its life for a friend–even a friend whose name it never knew. “
– President George W. Bush, December 11, 2001

I cannot let this day go by without acknowledging September 11, 2001 and the horrible terrorist attack on our country.  September 11th is one of those days that you remember exactly where you were when it happened. It is a day that I will always remember.  I was working in Washington, DC.  The Treasury Department was the only building between my building and the White House.  We could see the Pentagon and all the smoke from our office.  We thought it had been bombed.  I took the commuter bus to work and where I picked it up I could see Dulles Airport.  I was probably getting on the bus as the terrorists were getting on the plane.


Our office held regular fire drills and we had assigned places to go should there be a fire, but no prepared us for this.  I looked out one of the windows and people were pouring out of the Treasury Department. All I could think about was getting home. I did not have my car and I did not think the commuter bus would be picking us up today!  I know there were people that took the subway that day, but I was afraid of being stuck down there so I ended up getting a ride from someone who lived out my way.  Although I do not see her anymore, she will always remain my hero.  It took us over 4 hours to get out of the city that day, but it was actually orderly.  No one was running in the streets or crashing their cars as you see in some of those disaster movies. Cell phone coverage that day was next to nothing, but I could talk with my parents, since they were in Minnesota at the time, and my dad who worked downtown for 40 years, directed us.  I was never so happy to get home in all my life.  I think I spent two days on the couch glued to the TV since our office remained closed for a few days. No matter what your politics are or what you think about George W Bush, I think he captured the day in this quote.  I ask that you take a moment or two out of your day to remember those who lost their lives, their families, and to be grateful for our country, the GREATEST country in the world!


AffirMINTion:  I am grateful for my life

Make it a GREAT day, IF you choose to.

Life is good!